Hey Poor Player - Sudoku Scramble Review 4.5/5

I won’t lie, it feels weird to review and rate a mobile game so highly, but as a die-hard Sudoku fan, Sudoku Scramble is that long-awaited twist on a beloved classic. With fantastic multiplayer options, unobtrusive ads that reward you for watching, and quick play mechanics that can keep you entertained for 6 or 60 minutes, Sudoku Scramble pretty much achieves everything it sets out to do. And, for the price of free, it’s hard to argue against giving it a whirl. So go ahead and add this little gem to your mobile device, and enjoy this number cruncher on the couch while you practice social distancing. Be safe, play games!

YoYo Games - Suduko Scramble Spotlight

DigiBC - On The Road

Tri-City News - Sudoku Scramble

Tri-City News - Puffy Demons